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Patient participation group

The aims of the patient participation group

  • To encourage a positive relationship between the patients and the surgery staff, both medical and administrative
  • To have a voice for the patient in the practice
  • To be realistic about what you can achieve and to look for small changes that can make a real difference
  • To work constructively and positively to help identify solutions and to work in partnership with the practice and other local organisations
  • Carrying out research to find out what matters to patients and discussing the findings with the practice
  • To encourage patients to engage in their own healthcare. To this end it would be wonderful if in the future the group felt able to:
    • To organise information sessions on medical and related topics of interest to patients
    • To help with the organisation of self help groups for patients
    • To help raise funds for the purchase of extra equipment requested by the professional medical team

If you are interested in taking part in our group, or would like more information about anything we do please contact us at the Medical Centre. Alternatively click on the button at the top right of this page.

Meetings will be held every 3 months (or more often if deemed necessary) these last for about an hour. Minutes of meetings will be available on the web site and from the Surgery.

Group Volunteer Members Guidance on Roles and Responsibilities

Patient / Carer representative

1.Role overview
The GP Practice/Surgery strives to provide high quality care that meets the needs of its patients and carers. To help us do this effectively, we have a Patient Participation Group (PPG) that consists of patients and Practice representatives who come together to discuss the work of the Practice and identify any areas for improvement.
Details of Practice size, numbers of GPs and other staff can be found on the Practice website

2. Role description
Volunteer members are requested to attend and contribute to regular PPG meetings. These take place at least 6 times a year. We aim to ensure that Practice decisions are influenced by patients and carers and we want to enable them to participate in the work of the Practice. The PPG has set up a separate charity Kelsall PPG CIO which has fundraised to build and equip a Wellbeing Hub adjoining the Medical Centre.

Patient / carer representatives should:
• be a current patient or a carer of a patient who is registered with the Practice;
• approach the role with objectivity, tact and diplomacy, drawing on and using their own experience to inform discussions and decisions, in a manner that is mindful of the priorities and concerns of all patients;
• work collaboratively with patients and the practice team;
• be willing to voice opinions and contribute to discussions;
• listen to and reflect the views of other patients and carers;
• be able to attend meetings face to face or virtually;
• be aware of the Terms of Reference and respect the codes of conduct of the PPG and the confidentiality of any patients or carers whose concerns may be discussed at meetings;
• uphold the seven key 'Principles of Public Life' as summarized by Lord Nolan:
o Selflessness
o Integrity
o Objectivity
o Accountability

PPG Terms of Reference

Aim of the group:

To represent the patients of Kelsall Medical Practice and work in partnership with GPs and Practice staff to improve services for patients

• The PPG is open to any patient registered with the Practice
• It should be reflective of the patient demographic of the Practice
• The maximum number of patients on the PPG committee is 12 and be reviewed every two years.
• The PPG committee will elect a Chair/Vice Chair and Secretary to run meetings and guide work of the group. The position of Chair/Vice Chair and Secretary will be reviewed every two years.
• There is no maximum to the number of general members of the PPG. General members will be kept informed through the minutes of the meetings of the PPG committee available on the PPG website, email updates and through social media. There will be an opportunity every 2 years, through elections, to become a member of the committee if any general member is interested.

In partnership with the Practice, the PPG aims to:
• To act as an advisory group providing perspectives and concerns from patients that can influence how services operate at the Practice
• To communicate to the Practice areas of patient concern with a view to influencing change
• To act as a consultative group for any changes at the Practice
• To encourage and support the role of the Practice in involving patients in their own care

PPG Minutes and Reports

The next meeting will be on Thursday 20th March 17.30pm  at Kelsall Medical Centre. 


Minutes from previous meetings



Minutes 24th February 2022

Minutes 21st April 2022

14 July 2022

18 August 2022

22 September 2022

24 November 2022


19 January 2023

13 April 2023

29 June 2023

19 October 2023


11 January 2024

18th April 2024

6th June 2024

17 October 2024

Kelsall PPG Constitution

The group shall be known as Kelsall Patient Participation Group, membership will be open to
any patient registered with the surgery and will include the Practice Manager, senior GP or
other Practice team members as representation from the Practice. Membership will be via
the meeting group or the virtual group.

• The group will provide a communication channel between the patients and the
• With the help and assistance of the Practice, the group will seek suggestions from
patients for improvements to the service and highlight any areas that need
• The group will assist the Practice in monitoring quality through patient participation.

• Communication: The group will influence the development of policies in the Practice
by representing patient views. This will ensure patients make the best use of the
facilities available.
• Surveys: The group can conduct surveys with patients to inform the medical practice
of their views.
• The group will work with the Practice to ensure that any changes to the workings of
the medical practice are fed down to the local community.
• The group will be informed of the commissioning plans and policies of the CCG and
engaged in consultations when required.
• Information will be available to patients through a poster display in the medical
practice waiting room and on the PPG website.

Rules Governing the Group
• The group shall elect a chair to serve for a period of two years and will be elected at
a PPG meeting. Meetings, at an agreed venue or virtually, will be 6 times per year.
• The group will consist of at least a core group of 4 patients.
• A copy of the minutes from the PPG meeting will be sent out to members via the
Secretary and are also available on the PPG website and linked to the Practice
Accepted /5/2022
Reviewed /5/2022